Together Freedom

Recent Graduate Testimony

On July 6, 2017, Posted by , In News,Student Testimonies, With Comments Off on Recent Graduate Testimony

The following is the testimony of one of the girls we support who recently graduated from high school. We are extremely proud of her and very excited for her future!

“When I was in the 9th grade I went to the top high school in Detroit. I had a full ride swim scholarship to Michigan State, but in my 10th grade year I started getting into a lot of drugs and not focusing on school, just basically threw my entire life away. By my 11th grade year I basically stopped attending school and my grades suffered. Once I saw how far behind I was, I fell, I gave up.

“I never knew the extent of damage I was doing to myself”

I was in the streets everyday. I would be gone for months at a time. I never knew the extent of damage I was doing to myself at the time, But I didn’t know what else to do.

I had lost myself completely.

One day I got sick of my cycle and I wanted to change. My mom found [Together Freedom] for me… At the time, I had no idea how much this would change my life.

I’m graduating High school now and going to college. These are two things I never thought I would do.

I didn’t think I would finish High school, I didn’t think that was in the cards for me.

“I had no idea how much this would change my life.”

But this has changed my life and put my dreams of being a Microbiologist back in motion. I am forever indebted to Mrs. ***** and Mrs.***** for my 2nd chance at life. This is all I ever really wanted and now the world is basically in my hands and I can make my dreams come true.”

*Names and some details have been removed for protection and security purposes.

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